29. The 4-H/FFA project Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion from each species must sell in the Livestock Sale on Saturday.
Governing Admission of Livestock to Local Fairs in Virginia
These are general guidelines to follow for local fairs; however, any fair may establish requirements which are more restrictive. The Virginia State Fair may have other requirements. Each Superintendent shall be responsible for checking the health status of each animal entered in that division.
General Statement: A copy of the health papers must accompany the livestock which are exhibited at fairs. Representatives of the State's Veterinarian's office may request to see the health papers. All out of state animals must meet Virginia's entry requirements.
All cattle shall be accompanied by a health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of the Fair stating that the cattle are free from contagious and infectious diseases.
All cattle should be individually identified and listed on the health certificate.
Respiratory Disease and Recommended Vaccinations: It is recommended that all cattle shall be vaccinated in the current show year against the respiratory complex (shipping fever), including infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), not less than 15 days prior to the show. Type of vaccine and date of administration should be noted on the health certificate.
CATTLE Originating from Out of State:
CATTLE originating from Virginia
All cattle which originate from Virginia shall be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who states that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases.
All llamas and alpacas must be accompanied by a health certificate issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who states that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases.
All sheep must be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who states that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases. Any animal exhibiting club lamb fungus, lesions of sore mouths or foot rot must be removed from the exhibition area. Virginia breeders with Virginia health certified flock status need only present their certificate of flock certification.
To be in compliance with the recommendations of the state veterinarian, all breeding sheep and market lambs must be identified with an official scrapie program identification tag in their ear upon arrival at the fairgrounds. The official paper work must also accompany the sheep. Ear tags will be available at the official 4-H and FFA lamb weigh-in for those members who did not receive the proper official scrapie program identification tag of their market lambs at the time they purchased them. Any sheep not having the tag will be dismissed from the fairgrounds and sent home.
All goats must be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who individually lists each animal and certifies that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases. In addition the test dates and negative test results of the following tests shall be indicated:
All poultry entered for exhibition shall appear healthy, and shall be external parasite free. Any bird which does not meet these standards shall be immediately removed from the exhibit. All poultry shown in public exhibition in the Commonwealth of Virginia shall originate from the U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks of have had a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days of the movement to the public exhibition. It is also recommended that all birds of a flock of origin for exhibition purposes shall have been vaccinated for Infectious Laryngotracheitis tissue culture origin vaccine at least 30 days prior to entering exhibition.
Mortality Disposal Policy
Unfortunately, situations occur where an animal that is being exhibited at the fair can perish in an unexpected manner. When this situation arises, the exhibitor agrees to remove the animal from the grounds within 30 minutes, and dispose of the animal in accordance with approved legal and industry standards. All exhibitors agree to hold harmless the Clarke County fair, 4-H and FFA programs and their sponsoring organizations or staff. Any and all fees associated with the remove and disposal of the animal will be the responsibility of the exhibitor or current owner.
9. The Junior Heifer Show is open to all 4-H or FFA members of Clarke County and surrounding counties. All heifers exhibited by 4-H and FFA members must be owned and registered by and in care of the exhibitor by the following dates shown in the schedule below:
Born Owned & In Care of Exhibitor by: Registered in Exhibitors Name by:
Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2015 Jan. 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
Jan. 1- April 30, 2016 Jan. 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
May 1- Aug. 31, 2016 March 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
Sept. 1- Dec. 31, 2016 April 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
10. From time of purchase, the member must have personally managed, cared for, and fed the heifer/heifers he/she enters, except in the case of illness or other circumstances beyond the owner's control and not covering a total period of more than 30 days. All exceptions made shall be determined by the Beef Committee.
All registered heifers must meet the minimum requirements of their breed associations. Registration papers for each heifer must be brought to the show and checked by one of the show's chair and all pending pages will not be accepted. Tattoos must match registration papers. A copy of registration papers must accompany entry forms.
11. All animals in 4-H and FFA heifer classes may compete in Open Heifer Classes for an entry fee of $5.00 per head.
12. In order to participate in the junior and open commercial beef heifer shows, heifers must not be registered with any breed association. Both straight bred and crossbred heifers are acceptable in the junior and open commercial beef heifer shows.
13. Cow-calf exhibits are not eligible for the champion female class.
15. The Junior Steer Show is open only to Clarke County 4-H and FFA members enrolled in 4-H and FFA projects by December 1 of the current project year.
Wednesday, August 16, 10:00 a.m.
Show Barn
1. All exhibitors will be required to participate in the Showmanship Show using their own steer or heifer.
2. Showmanship classes will be divided into Novice, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Novice Showmen will be those youth who have not shown beef as a 4-H or FFA project previously at the Clarke County Fair. Junior Showman will be those exhibitors who will be 9, 10 and 11 years of age as of September 30, 2017. Intermediate showmen will be those exhibitors who will be 12 and 13 years of age as of September 30, 2017 and Senior Showmen are those exhibitors who will be 14 years of age and older as of September 30, 2017.
3. The Beef Showmanship classes are open only to Clarke County 4-H or FFA exhibitors.
4. There will be no fitting for the 4-H and FFA Beef Showmanship competition held on Wednesday; animals will be cleaned and brushed down only. No prize money will be awarded to 4-H and FFA members in Clarke County unless they participate in the beef showmanship classes.
DEPARTMENT G - GOATS - The Goat Committee does have 2 rules which may change at a later date pertaining to grading and pinch collars - stay posted!
1. All goat entries, Market, Bred and Owned Market, and Junior & Open Commercial Breeding Does, must be in place no later than 12:00 noon Fair Sunday. All goats must be washed and cleaned before they arrive at the fair. Health Certificates must be shown to committee member before any animals enter the barn.
2. The Goat Department reserves the right to dismiss any goat on the fairgrounds that has any communicable disease such as fungus, foot rot, sore mouth, or any others that are identified. The Goat Committee also reserves the right to call in a veterinarian of its choice to review any health decisions made by the committee.
To be in compliance with the recommendations of the state veterinarian, all goats must be identified with an official scrapie program identification tag in their ear upon arrival at the fairgrounds. The official paperwork must also accompany the goat. Any goat not having the tag will be dismissed from the fairgrounds and sent home.
3. The Junior Goat Show is open only to Clarke County 4-H or FFA project members by January 1, year of the show. All new 4-H goat project members must be enrolled by March 1, year of the show.
Market and Bred and Owned Market Goat Rules:
4. All market goats must be in possession and ownership of the exhibiting 4-H or FFA member and be on feed by the June weigh-in, year of the show.
5. Goats must be weighed in and tagged at the official project weigh-in held the first Saturday in June, year of the show.
6. Each exhibitor may weigh-in up to 5 goats at the official weigh-in in June; they may show 3 goats and sell 2 goats at the fair livestock sale.
8. All 4-H and FFA entries must have been personally managed and cared for by the exhibitor making the entry. From time project starts, the member must have personally managed, cared for, and fed the project animal(s) he/she enters, except in the case of illness or other circumstances beyond the owner’s control and not covering a total period of more than 14 days. All exceptions shall be made by the Goat Committee. Entries are accepted in good faith that feeding, management, and care of the animals have been conducted as part of 4-H or FFA projects by the exhibitor.
9. All Goat livestock exhibits at the Clarke County Fair can only be fitted by the exhibitor and immediate family members, i.e. mother, father, sister, brother and/or Clarke County 4-H/FFA goat project exhibitor. Goat committee members may offer care to animals when needed; however, they may not fit the animals
10. 4-H and FFA goat livestock exhibits are only to be shown the exhibitor. If a 4-H or FFA livestock exhibitor has two (2) or more goats in the same class, only another 4-H or FFA livestock exhibitor showing the same species in the current year at the Clarke County Fair may show one of them.
11. If Goats are not housed on property owned or rented by immediate family then the exhibitor must notify the Livestock Committee in writing of the location of the animal and why it is housed there, and receive committee approval. If the animal is moved at any time during the fair project, the Livestock Committee must be notified immediately.
12. All entries are subject to on-farm inspections to verify entry information. All exhibitors agree to accommodate such inspections.
13. ALL goats will be weighed and graded on Fair Sunday at 1:00 p.m. and graded on Fair Monday. All market goats must weigh a minimum of 50 pounds, OR grade choice or better, and must be born on or after December 1 of the current 4-H year to qualify to show. NO RE-WEIGH’s.
Goats not making weight and/or grade can: (1) show in Junior Goat Showmanship Show and will be in a “Prospect Market Class” OR (2) Doe goats that have been previously registered for the Commercial Doe Show can show in the Commercial Breeding Doe Show. These goats will NOT be eligible for Market classes or for the junior livestock sale.
14. To recognize goat buyers, $5.00 will be retained from the proceeds of each goat sold to purchase a newspaper advertisement and recognition banner.
15. All buck goats must be castrated by the initial project weigh-in. Any evidence of testicular tissue will be evaluated and up to the discretion of the goat committee. Both wethers (neutered males) and doe goats may be shown in the market goat classes.
16. All goats must be dehorned or have the horn tips blunted.
17. All goats must be shown wearing a collar. No pinch collars are allowed.
18. The fitting and show preparation area is confined to the wash rack, the goat barn and other designated areas surrounding the goat barn.
19. The market goats will be divided into classes by weight, not breed. All breeds will be shown together.
20. For a goat to be considered a meat goat at the Clarke County Fair, the goat must be full blood or a cross containing any of the following breeds: Boer, Kiko, Myotonic/ Tennessee Fainting Goat, Spanish, or Brush; Full blood dairy (ex: Nubian and all Swiss breeds); fiber (ex: angora/cashmere) or dwarf/pygmy goats or any crosses of these type goats that do not contain a % of the meat goats listed above will not qualify.
21. The Goat Committee and Junior Exhibitors will set-up pens on Thursday, August 10 at 6:30p.m. and will meet again on Sunday, August 20 at 9:00 a.m. to take down goat pens. Before exhibitors in barn area leave the grounds at the conclusion of the Fair, they must clean their pens.
22. Youth exhibitor must be present at show and sale in order to sell an animal. If there are unusual circumstances and the youth is not available, the youth must receive permission from the Goat Chairman.
23. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Market Goat Show and Bred and Owned Show must sell in the junior livestock sale.
Bred and Owned Market Goat Division
24. Bred and owned market goat exhibitors must own and care for the mother during gestation of the bred and owned market goat prior to breeding.
25. Youth exhibitors cannot show the same goat in the bred and owned market goat class and the general market goat classes. Youth must designate at June weigh-in which goat(s) are to be in the market goat class and which goat(s) are to be in the bred and owned market goat class. Bred and owned market goat exhibitors must take and complete the breeding goat project.
Junior & Open Commercial Breeding Doe Show
Monday, August 14, 3:00 P.M.
Show Barn
followed by the Goat Showmanship Show, the Junior Market Goat Show and the Prospect Market Goat Classes
1. Show is for breeding Meat Goat Does only. No Bucks will be allowed to show.
2. Entry forms and fees will be due on July 31 to the Goat Chairman. A fee of $3.00 per head will be charged for the open show. The entry fee must be paid prior to the show. 4-H and FFA members will not be charged a fee for the Commercial Breeding Doe Show.
3. The Junior & Open Commercial Breeding Doe Show is open to Clarke County 4-H and FFA members and residents of Clarke County. All entries must be entered under the owner’s name; premiums will be paid based upon owner.
4. All breeding goats shown in the Junior & Open Commercial Doe Show are to remain in place until 4:00 p.m. Saturday, August 19 unless being removed to another fair. Permission of the chairman must be obtained by those wishing to leave before this time.
5. BREEDING GOAT DOES WILL BE SHOWN BY AGE. Age determined at date of show. Age grouping will be determined by number of entries.
6. Entries cannot be shown in market class. If a doe goat is eligible for the market and the Commercial Breeding Doe Shows, the exhibitor must declare which one show the animal will participate in immediately after weigh-in fair Sunday.
7. Limit of four (4) doe goats per exhibitor. Pen availability is limited; the goat committee has the right to reduce the amount of entries each exhibitor may show.
8. All entries need to be identified by official scrapie program identification tags on Sunday, week of the Fair.
9. All commercial does must be in possession and ownership of the exhibitor and be on feed by the June weigh-in, year of the show. Any registered commercial does must be officially transferred before June 1, year of the show.
10. To be eligible for the Junior Show exhibition, 4-H and FFA commercial does projects must be nominated, identified and verified by a goat committee member prior to or at the official project weigh-in in June of the current year. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to properly nominate his or her goat; only goats that have been nominated and properly identified will be eligible for competition.
11. Doe and yearling kid entry will be of a doe and her under 12- month kid that have both been shown in a previous class of the commercial doe show.
12. An entry fee of $3.00 per head will be charged for the Open Show. The entry fee must be paid prior to the show to be eligible to show.
13. All market lambs and junior breeding sheep must be in the possession and ownership of the exhibiting 4-H or FFA member and be on feed by the June weigh-in, year of the show. If an animal is not housed on property owned or rented by immediate family, then the exhibitor must notify the Livestock Committee in writing and receive committee approval. If the animal is moved at anytime during the fair project, the Livestock Committee must be notified immediately.
14. All market lambs to be sold by 4-H or FFA members will be graded on Fair Monday.
15. All lambs will be weighed on Fair Sunday, at 1:00 P.M. All lambs must weigh a minimum of 95 pounds. If they don't weigh 95 pounds they must live grade blue to be eligible for the youth livestock show and sale. The maximum weight limit is 150 lbs. Any lamb exhibiting yearling teeth will not be eligible to show or sell in the market lamb class.
16. To recognize lamb buyers, $6.00 will be retained from the proceeds of each lamb sold to purchase a newspaper advertisement and recognition banner.
17. The fitting and show preparation area is confined to the wash rack, the sheep barn and other designated areas surrounding the sheep barn.
18. Each exhibitor may weigh up to 5 lambs at the official project weigh-in, show 3 lambs, and sell only 2 market lambs. Exhibitors must designate at June weigh-in if lamb is to be in the market lamb class or the bred and owned market lamb class. Any lamb not designated at weigh-in will be placed in regular market division.
19. All market lambs must be castrated by the initial project weigh-in. Any evidence of testicular tissue will be evaluated and up to the discretion of the sheep committee.
20. All market lambs must be slick shorn within a week of the fair. All breeding sheep exhibits must have no more than one-half inch of wool, except for wool breeds, which must meet their wool breed association standards.
21. Registration papers are required for all purebred classes in the breeding show and they must be turned in with entry papers by the July 31 deadline to the Sheep Chairman. Appendix and unregistered animals will be shown in the commercial classes.
22. The Sheep Committee and Junior Exhibitors will meet Sunday, August 20 at 9:00 a.m. to take down the sheep pens. Before exhibitors in barn area leave the grounds at the conclusion of the Fair, they must clean their pens.
23. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Market Lamb Show and the Bred and Owned Show must participate in the carcass and ultrasound program if available. Any exemption will have to be approved by the Committee.
24. Market Lambs and Breed and Owned Market Lambs will be shown by weight only. (There will not be separate classes for black face, brockles and white face/Dorset lambs.)
Bred and Owned Market Lamb Division
25. Bred and owned market lamb exhibitors must own and care for the dam during gestation of the bred and owned market lamb prior to breeding.
26. Youth exhibitors cannot show the same lamb in the bred and owned market lamb class and the general market lamb classes. Youth must designate at June weigh-in which lamb(s) are to be in the market lamb class and which lamb(s) are to be in the bred and owned market lamb class. Bred and owned market lamb exhibitors must take and complete the ewe flock project or be properly recorded in the official SAE record book.
Tuesday, August 15, 2:00 P.M.
Show Barn
1. Registration papers are required for all purebred classes in the breeding show and they must be turned in with entry papers by the July 29 deadline to the Sheep Chairman. Appendix and unregistered animals will be shown in the commercial classes.
2. A Group will consist of any four animals of the same breed that have been shown in a previous class of the show, either purebred or commercial. An exhibitor is limited to one entry per breed.
3. The Youth Open Showmanship class is open to any youth that will not reach their 9th birthday by September 30 of the year of the show.
4. A dam and a lamb entry will consist of a dam and her lamb of the same breed that have been shown in a previous class of the show, either purebred or commercial.
- The Clarke County Ruritan Club reserves to its Livestock Committee the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations, and settle and determine all questions, matters and differences in regard thereto.
- The Livestock Committee also reserves the right to change and amend the regulations should the management deem such changes necessary.
- Every reasonable effort will be made by the management to protect the property on exhibit, but in no case will with Fair management be held responsible should loss or damage of property or injury to person occur.
- All property of every character, whether entered for exhibition, displayed for sale, or for any other purpose will be taken on the grounds or in the buildings and kept entirely at the risk of the owner, who assumes responsibility for any loss, damage, theft, injury or accident that may occur while such property is on the grounds or in the buildings. Persons, firms, corporations, unwilling to enter their property for exhibit or display on these conditions are requested not to enter it in the Clarke County Fair.
- All 4-H and FFA exhibits shall be part of a bonafide project or enterprise.
- All livestock entries including market and open must be in place no later than 12 pm on Fair Sunday.
- Homemaking. Fine Arts and Photography exhibits will be accepted from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday. Crops and horticulture exhibits will be accepted on Monday from 1:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Floral exhibits will be accepted on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon and from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
- All livestock entered in any show must comply with the Fair's Animal Health Regulations. Any pre-show administering of any non FDA approved compound that may cause a quantitative or qualitative change in the characteristics of the animal on foot or in carcass will cause disqualification, and no premium money will be paid. In the Livestock Sale, all sale money will be withheld if after slaughter, the animal is found to have been tampered with or altered, or if the carcass is condemned. The Livestock Committee also has the right to disqualify any animals if the appearance or temperament has been changed or altered by any process. This includes attempts to dye, discolor the natural hair color, use of tranquilizers, and the use of ice or cold towels. In addition to the above penalties, any exhibitor caught in violation of such rules will be banned from showing and selling any livestock in project area at the current Clarke County Fair and will not be allowed to show or sell a livestock at the following Clarke County Fair.
- Chickens and turkeys will be accepted between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday (this being the only time they can be tested for pullorum typhoid). All other poultry department entries will be accepted until cages are full or 5:00 p.m. Sunday, whichever comes first.
- Rabbits will be accepted on Sunday between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- All 4-H’ers and FFA’ers planning to exhibit livestock at the Clarke County Fair must turn in an updated project record book to the Extension Office or their FFA instructor no later than the second Friday in July.
- Unless being moved to another fair, livestock exhibitors need to refer to their departmental rules about the removal of livestock.
- All 4-H and FFA exhibitors may be no more than 18 years of age on December 31st of the year before the show.
- All livestock donated back for resale will be for the benefit of charitable organizations only. They will be sold at the Farmers Livestock Sale, a designated market, or to the other buyers designated by the Sale Committee and the proceeds will be forwarded accordingly.
- Any animal deemed not broken or unruly to the point of being a safety risk will be disqualified from the show and/or sale by a decision of the Livestock Committee or Sale Committee and will be removed from the fairgrounds.
- Transportation will be provided on Sunday or Monday for those animals which buyers wish to have taken to the livestock market.
- The deputies are responsible for patrolling the back field. Ruritan members and the deputies are responsible for the show participants in the Livestock Area of the Fairgrounds. The 4-H and FFA chaperones are responsible for the 4-H and FFA exhibitors who stay inside the barn area after the carnival shuts down each evening.
- The Clarke County Fair is open to our adjoining counties: Loudoun, Fauquier, Warren and Frederick in Virginia and Jefferson in West Virginia. For specific exhibit and participation requirements, please see the rules and regulation for the individual department or contest/event. Any livestock entries from a surrounding county must be approved by the Livestock Committee.
- All matters not covered by these rules and regulations will be passed on and settled by the Livestock Committee and/or Departmental Committees.
- Any adult who assists with any livestock pre-show administering of any non FDA compound that may cause a qualitative or quantitative change in the characteristics of the animal on foot or in carcass will be banned immediately and indefinitely from the Clarke County Fair fairgrounds.
- The management of the Clarke County Fair and its sponsoring organization reserves the right to bar/ban youth and adult exhibitors and non-exhibitors from participation in the events and activities associated with the current Clarke County Fair and any subsequent Clarke County Fairs if the youth or adults are found in violation of established fair rules and regulations or the Livestock area’s code of conduct.
- No pets allowed on the fairgrounds. Only pets for competition or parades are allowed and should be removed to their housing after competition is completed. Excludes Seeing Eye dogs, etc.
- No generators allowed in or around the barn areas.
- All livestock exhibitors are asked to attend the Livestock Exhibitors meeting following the official weigh in on Sunday.
- All youth exhibitors must be present at the show and sale of their animal. To be eligible to sell their animal at the Livestock Sale and receive premium money exhibitors must participate in the Showmanship Division for that animal. If there are unusual circumstances and the youth is unavailable the Livestock Committee must be notified ahead of time or as soon as possible.
- A code of conduct must have been signed by the Livestock exhibitor before bringing any animal to the fair. Any person helping an exhibitor with their animal during fair week and any parent must sign a current code of conduct and have it approved by the Livestock Committee. This is mandatory.
- Unless a parking permit is issued, no one is to park within the gated fairground area around the barns.
29. The 4-H/FFA project Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion from each species must sell in the Livestock Sale on Saturday.
Governing Admission of Livestock to Local Fairs in Virginia
These are general guidelines to follow for local fairs; however, any fair may establish requirements which are more restrictive. The Virginia State Fair may have other requirements. Each Superintendent shall be responsible for checking the health status of each animal entered in that division.
General Statement: A copy of the health papers must accompany the livestock which are exhibited at fairs. Representatives of the State's Veterinarian's office may request to see the health papers. All out of state animals must meet Virginia's entry requirements.
All cattle shall be accompanied by a health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of the Fair stating that the cattle are free from contagious and infectious diseases.
All cattle should be individually identified and listed on the health certificate.
Respiratory Disease and Recommended Vaccinations: It is recommended that all cattle shall be vaccinated in the current show year against the respiratory complex (shipping fever), including infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), not less than 15 days prior to the show. Type of vaccine and date of administration should be noted on the health certificate.
CATTLE Originating from Out of State:
- Tuberculosis test requirement
a. Originate from a free area, or
b. Originate from an accredited free herd, or
c. Individuals tested negative within 60 days of the show. - Brucellosis test requirement
a. Dairy or Beef breeding cattle which originate directly from officially classified states my enter Virginia provided they are accompanied by an official health certificate and also meet the following requirements:
i. Class Free States
1. No test required
2. No permit required
ii. Class A States
1. Originate from a Certified Free herd-no test
2. All others require an individual negative test within 30 days
3. No permit required
Test eligible animals are nonvaccinated females 8 months of age and older; vaccinates 20 months and older for dairy breeds; and 24 months and older for beef breeds. - Steers must comply with all the health rules except brucellosis.
CATTLE originating from Virginia
All cattle which originate from Virginia shall be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who states that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases.
All llamas and alpacas must be accompanied by a health certificate issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who states that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases.
All sheep must be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who states that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases. Any animal exhibiting club lamb fungus, lesions of sore mouths or foot rot must be removed from the exhibition area. Virginia breeders with Virginia health certified flock status need only present their certificate of flock certification.
To be in compliance with the recommendations of the state veterinarian, all breeding sheep and market lambs must be identified with an official scrapie program identification tag in their ear upon arrival at the fairgrounds. The official paper work must also accompany the sheep. Ear tags will be available at the official 4-H and FFA lamb weigh-in for those members who did not receive the proper official scrapie program identification tag of their market lambs at the time they purchased them. Any sheep not having the tag will be dismissed from the fairgrounds and sent home.
All goats must be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who individually lists each animal and certifies that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases. In addition the test dates and negative test results of the following tests shall be indicated:
- Caseous Lymphadenitis:
a. Goats must be free of clinical symptoms of caseous lymphadenitis. Animals showing clinical symptoms of this disease will be removed from the exhibition grounds. "Clinical symptoms" is used to define abscesses of the lymph nodes, whether draining or not.
- All Swine animals:
All breeding and feeder swine must be accompanied by a health certificate, issued within the past 30 days and signed by an accredited veterinarian who certifies that the animals are free of infectious and contagious diseases. Since Virginia is Pseudorabis Free, swine originating in Virginia are free to move intrastate without further testing.
- No horse is permitted on the grounds unless it is accompanied by a negative Coggins test conducted within 12 months of the date of exhibition.
- Horses coming from out-of-state must be accompanied by a health certificate signed within 30 days by an accredited veterinarian, in addition to the above.
All poultry entered for exhibition shall appear healthy, and shall be external parasite free. Any bird which does not meet these standards shall be immediately removed from the exhibit. All poultry shown in public exhibition in the Commonwealth of Virginia shall originate from the U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks of have had a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days of the movement to the public exhibition. It is also recommended that all birds of a flock of origin for exhibition purposes shall have been vaccinated for Infectious Laryngotracheitis tissue culture origin vaccine at least 30 days prior to entering exhibition.
Mortality Disposal Policy
Unfortunately, situations occur where an animal that is being exhibited at the fair can perish in an unexpected manner. When this situation arises, the exhibitor agrees to remove the animal from the grounds within 30 minutes, and dispose of the animal in accordance with approved legal and industry standards. All exhibitors agree to hold harmless the Clarke County fair, 4-H and FFA programs and their sponsoring organizations or staff. Any and all fees associated with the remove and disposal of the animal will be the responsibility of the exhibitor or current owner.
- All entries due to the Beef Chairman by July 15, 2017. There will be a $5.00 ENTRY FEE for all exhibits in the OPEN BREEDING Show.
- Tie-out for beef cattle shall be 8:00 p.m. All trailers must be parked in designated areas.
- If a 4-H or FFA exhibitor has two (2) animals in the same class, only another 4-H or FFA Junior Beef Exhibitor in the current year at the Clarke County Fair may show one of them.
- All bulls born before January 1 of the year of the show must have a bull ring or nose lead in their nose at all times while on the fairgrounds.
- All bedding and manure shall be place in designated areas. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of premiums.
- To show in Breed classes for steers and heifers, animals must have breed registration papers, be 50% or greater of that breed, and may only be shown in one Breed division. Steer certification certificates will not be accepted.
- 4-H and FFA Livestock exhibits can only be fitted by the exhibitor and the immediate family members (mother, father, brother, sister) or another Clarke County 4-H/FFA exhibitor showing a project animal in the current year at the Clarke County Fair. All steers and heifers must be fitted in the immediate beef barn area. The fitting of cattle will be monitored by members of the beef committee, and any violation of these rules will result in disqualification from the show and sale.
9. The Junior Heifer Show is open to all 4-H or FFA members of Clarke County and surrounding counties. All heifers exhibited by 4-H and FFA members must be owned and registered by and in care of the exhibitor by the following dates shown in the schedule below:
Born Owned & In Care of Exhibitor by: Registered in Exhibitors Name by:
Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2015 Jan. 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
Jan. 1- April 30, 2016 Jan. 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
May 1- Aug. 31, 2016 March 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
Sept. 1- Dec. 31, 2016 April 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
10. From time of purchase, the member must have personally managed, cared for, and fed the heifer/heifers he/she enters, except in the case of illness or other circumstances beyond the owner's control and not covering a total period of more than 30 days. All exceptions made shall be determined by the Beef Committee.
All registered heifers must meet the minimum requirements of their breed associations. Registration papers for each heifer must be brought to the show and checked by one of the show's chair and all pending pages will not be accepted. Tattoos must match registration papers. A copy of registration papers must accompany entry forms.
11. All animals in 4-H and FFA heifer classes may compete in Open Heifer Classes for an entry fee of $5.00 per head.
12. In order to participate in the junior and open commercial beef heifer shows, heifers must not be registered with any breed association. Both straight bred and crossbred heifers are acceptable in the junior and open commercial beef heifer shows.
13. Cow-calf exhibits are not eligible for the champion female class.
- All 4-H or FFA members, regardless of county of origin, must have a completed validation form for an updated record book with the County Extension Agent or FFA Instructor’s signature.
15. The Junior Steer Show is open only to Clarke County 4-H and FFA members enrolled in 4-H and FFA projects by December 1 of the current project year.
- All 4-H and FFA steer entries must be in the care and remain in the ownership and care of the 4-H or FFA member making the exhibit by December 1 of the current project year. From time of purchase, the member must have personally managed, cared for, and fed the beef animal(s) he/she enters, except in the case of illness or other circumstances beyond the owner's control and not covering a total period of more than 30 days. Entries are accepted in good faith that feeding, management, and care of the animals have been conducted as part of 4-H or FFA projects by the exhibitor. If an animal is not housed on property owned or rented by immediate family, then the exhibitor must notify the Livestock Committee in writing and explain why to receive committee approval.
- All 4-H and FFA steers must be branded to be eligible for the Clarke County Fair.
- During the fair, steers for open and junior competition will be graded in the afternoon on the first Monday of the Fair. The beef cattle committee will determine the classes by breed and by weight within each breed if necessary. Each breed will exhibit separately. Classes will also be established for British Cross and Continental Cross steers. All steers grading select minus will be shown in feeder steer class near the conclusion of the breeding show in the afternoon.
- Animals unacceptable because of lack of quality, lack of finish, or other defects including being a stag will not be sold.
- Each junior exhibitor may show two (2) steers in the Junior Beef Show, and they can sell both steers in the sale providing the meet sale requirements. One dollar ($1.00) per head will be deducted from the sale price for the beef referendum.
- The Grand Champion and the Reserve Grand Champion of the live show must be sold and must also participate in the ultra-sounding portion of the Carcass Program. All steers eligible to be sold must weigh at least 900 pounds and grade select or better. NOTE: Steers grading select minus will not sell. Any questions will be referred to the Beef Cattle Committee.
- To recognize steer buyers, $12.00 from the proceeds of each steer sold will be retained to purchase a newspaper advertisement. Only the names of the buyers who purchased animals in the Show Barn will appear in the advertisement.
- During the judging and selling of the steers, only exhibitors and members of the Beef Committee or someone designated by the committee may enter the show ring or sale ring.
- Exhibitors who sell steers are expected to care for them until they are removed from the grounds.
- Market steers shown in the Open Market Steer Class are NOT eligible to be shown in the Junior Market Steer Class or sold in the 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Show.
Wednesday, August 16, 10:00 a.m.
Show Barn
1. All exhibitors will be required to participate in the Showmanship Show using their own steer or heifer.
2. Showmanship classes will be divided into Novice, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Novice Showmen will be those youth who have not shown beef as a 4-H or FFA project previously at the Clarke County Fair. Junior Showman will be those exhibitors who will be 9, 10 and 11 years of age as of September 30, 2017. Intermediate showmen will be those exhibitors who will be 12 and 13 years of age as of September 30, 2017 and Senior Showmen are those exhibitors who will be 14 years of age and older as of September 30, 2017.
3. The Beef Showmanship classes are open only to Clarke County 4-H or FFA exhibitors.
4. There will be no fitting for the 4-H and FFA Beef Showmanship competition held on Wednesday; animals will be cleaned and brushed down only. No prize money will be awarded to 4-H and FFA members in Clarke County unless they participate in the beef showmanship classes.
DEPARTMENT G - GOATS - The Goat Committee does have 2 rules which may change at a later date pertaining to grading and pinch collars - stay posted!
1. All goat entries, Market, Bred and Owned Market, and Junior & Open Commercial Breeding Does, must be in place no later than 12:00 noon Fair Sunday. All goats must be washed and cleaned before they arrive at the fair. Health Certificates must be shown to committee member before any animals enter the barn.
2. The Goat Department reserves the right to dismiss any goat on the fairgrounds that has any communicable disease such as fungus, foot rot, sore mouth, or any others that are identified. The Goat Committee also reserves the right to call in a veterinarian of its choice to review any health decisions made by the committee.
To be in compliance with the recommendations of the state veterinarian, all goats must be identified with an official scrapie program identification tag in their ear upon arrival at the fairgrounds. The official paperwork must also accompany the goat. Any goat not having the tag will be dismissed from the fairgrounds and sent home.
3. The Junior Goat Show is open only to Clarke County 4-H or FFA project members by January 1, year of the show. All new 4-H goat project members must be enrolled by March 1, year of the show.
Market and Bred and Owned Market Goat Rules:
4. All market goats must be in possession and ownership of the exhibiting 4-H or FFA member and be on feed by the June weigh-in, year of the show.
5. Goats must be weighed in and tagged at the official project weigh-in held the first Saturday in June, year of the show.
6. Each exhibitor may weigh-in up to 5 goats at the official weigh-in in June; they may show 3 goats and sell 2 goats at the fair livestock sale.
8. All 4-H and FFA entries must have been personally managed and cared for by the exhibitor making the entry. From time project starts, the member must have personally managed, cared for, and fed the project animal(s) he/she enters, except in the case of illness or other circumstances beyond the owner’s control and not covering a total period of more than 14 days. All exceptions shall be made by the Goat Committee. Entries are accepted in good faith that feeding, management, and care of the animals have been conducted as part of 4-H or FFA projects by the exhibitor.
9. All Goat livestock exhibits at the Clarke County Fair can only be fitted by the exhibitor and immediate family members, i.e. mother, father, sister, brother and/or Clarke County 4-H/FFA goat project exhibitor. Goat committee members may offer care to animals when needed; however, they may not fit the animals
10. 4-H and FFA goat livestock exhibits are only to be shown the exhibitor. If a 4-H or FFA livestock exhibitor has two (2) or more goats in the same class, only another 4-H or FFA livestock exhibitor showing the same species in the current year at the Clarke County Fair may show one of them.
11. If Goats are not housed on property owned or rented by immediate family then the exhibitor must notify the Livestock Committee in writing of the location of the animal and why it is housed there, and receive committee approval. If the animal is moved at any time during the fair project, the Livestock Committee must be notified immediately.
12. All entries are subject to on-farm inspections to verify entry information. All exhibitors agree to accommodate such inspections.
13. ALL goats will be weighed and graded on Fair Sunday at 1:00 p.m. and graded on Fair Monday. All market goats must weigh a minimum of 50 pounds, OR grade choice or better, and must be born on or after December 1 of the current 4-H year to qualify to show. NO RE-WEIGH’s.
Goats not making weight and/or grade can: (1) show in Junior Goat Showmanship Show and will be in a “Prospect Market Class” OR (2) Doe goats that have been previously registered for the Commercial Doe Show can show in the Commercial Breeding Doe Show. These goats will NOT be eligible for Market classes or for the junior livestock sale.
14. To recognize goat buyers, $5.00 will be retained from the proceeds of each goat sold to purchase a newspaper advertisement and recognition banner.
15. All buck goats must be castrated by the initial project weigh-in. Any evidence of testicular tissue will be evaluated and up to the discretion of the goat committee. Both wethers (neutered males) and doe goats may be shown in the market goat classes.
16. All goats must be dehorned or have the horn tips blunted.
17. All goats must be shown wearing a collar. No pinch collars are allowed.
18. The fitting and show preparation area is confined to the wash rack, the goat barn and other designated areas surrounding the goat barn.
19. The market goats will be divided into classes by weight, not breed. All breeds will be shown together.
20. For a goat to be considered a meat goat at the Clarke County Fair, the goat must be full blood or a cross containing any of the following breeds: Boer, Kiko, Myotonic/ Tennessee Fainting Goat, Spanish, or Brush; Full blood dairy (ex: Nubian and all Swiss breeds); fiber (ex: angora/cashmere) or dwarf/pygmy goats or any crosses of these type goats that do not contain a % of the meat goats listed above will not qualify.
21. The Goat Committee and Junior Exhibitors will set-up pens on Thursday, August 10 at 6:30p.m. and will meet again on Sunday, August 20 at 9:00 a.m. to take down goat pens. Before exhibitors in barn area leave the grounds at the conclusion of the Fair, they must clean their pens.
22. Youth exhibitor must be present at show and sale in order to sell an animal. If there are unusual circumstances and the youth is not available, the youth must receive permission from the Goat Chairman.
23. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Market Goat Show and Bred and Owned Show must sell in the junior livestock sale.
Bred and Owned Market Goat Division
24. Bred and owned market goat exhibitors must own and care for the mother during gestation of the bred and owned market goat prior to breeding.
25. Youth exhibitors cannot show the same goat in the bred and owned market goat class and the general market goat classes. Youth must designate at June weigh-in which goat(s) are to be in the market goat class and which goat(s) are to be in the bred and owned market goat class. Bred and owned market goat exhibitors must take and complete the breeding goat project.
Junior & Open Commercial Breeding Doe Show
Monday, August 14, 3:00 P.M.
Show Barn
followed by the Goat Showmanship Show, the Junior Market Goat Show and the Prospect Market Goat Classes
1. Show is for breeding Meat Goat Does only. No Bucks will be allowed to show.
2. Entry forms and fees will be due on July 31 to the Goat Chairman. A fee of $3.00 per head will be charged for the open show. The entry fee must be paid prior to the show. 4-H and FFA members will not be charged a fee for the Commercial Breeding Doe Show.
3. The Junior & Open Commercial Breeding Doe Show is open to Clarke County 4-H and FFA members and residents of Clarke County. All entries must be entered under the owner’s name; premiums will be paid based upon owner.
4. All breeding goats shown in the Junior & Open Commercial Doe Show are to remain in place until 4:00 p.m. Saturday, August 19 unless being removed to another fair. Permission of the chairman must be obtained by those wishing to leave before this time.
5. BREEDING GOAT DOES WILL BE SHOWN BY AGE. Age determined at date of show. Age grouping will be determined by number of entries.
6. Entries cannot be shown in market class. If a doe goat is eligible for the market and the Commercial Breeding Doe Shows, the exhibitor must declare which one show the animal will participate in immediately after weigh-in fair Sunday.
7. Limit of four (4) doe goats per exhibitor. Pen availability is limited; the goat committee has the right to reduce the amount of entries each exhibitor may show.
8. All entries need to be identified by official scrapie program identification tags on Sunday, week of the Fair.
9. All commercial does must be in possession and ownership of the exhibitor and be on feed by the June weigh-in, year of the show. Any registered commercial does must be officially transferred before June 1, year of the show.
10. To be eligible for the Junior Show exhibition, 4-H and FFA commercial does projects must be nominated, identified and verified by a goat committee member prior to or at the official project weigh-in in June of the current year. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to properly nominate his or her goat; only goats that have been nominated and properly identified will be eligible for competition.
11. Doe and yearling kid entry will be of a doe and her under 12- month kid that have both been shown in a previous class of the commercial doe show.
- All entry fees and papers are due by July 31 to the Sheep Chairman. Pen Set-Up will be 6:30 pm Thursday, August 10.
2. All sheep entries, market and breeding, must be in place no later than 12:00 noon Fair Sunday.
3. The Sheep Department reserves the right to dismiss any sheep on the fairgrounds that has any communicable disease such as club lamb fungus, foot rot, sore mouth or any others that are identified. The Sheep Committee also reserves the right to call in a veterinarian of its choice to review any health decisions made by the committee.
To be in compliance with the recommendations of the state veterinarian, all sheep must be identified with an official scrapie tag in their ear upon arrival at the fairgrounds. The official paper work must accompany the sheep. Any sheep not having the tag will be dismissed from the fairgrounds and sent home. Health Certificate must be shown to committee member BEFORE any animals enter the barn.
4. The Junior Sheep Show is open to only Clarke County 4-H and FFA project members by January 1 of the year of the show. All new 4-H sheep project members must be enrolled by March 1, year of the show. The Open Show is open to Clarke County residents and Clarke County FFA and 4-H members. All entries must be entered under the owner’s name; premiums will be paid based upon owner.
5. Bred and owned market lambs MUST be the offspring of a ewe flock project animal. The ewe flock project animal must be owned and cared for by the exhibitor by January 1st, year of the show. Bred and owned market lamb exhibitors must take and complete the ewe flock project or be properly recorded in the official SAE record book.
6. Any lamb not weighing 95lbs. or grading live grade blue or weighing over 150lbs. will not be eligible for the show or sale and must be removed from the fairgrounds by noon on Fair Monday.
7. All 4-H and FFA entries must have been personally managed, owned, and cared for by the exhibitor making the entry from initial weigh-in until fair livestock sale. Sheep livestock exhibits at the Clarke County Fair can only be fitted by the exhibitor and immediate family members, mother, father, sister, brother, and/or Clarke County 4-H/FFA sheep project exhibitor. Sheep committee members may offer care to animals when needed, however, they may not fit the animal(s).
8. All Sheep Exhibitors must be present in the sheep barn vicinity during the sheep show, sheep ultrasound, and the sheep sale.
12. An entry fee of $3.00 per head will be charged for the Open Show. The entry fee must be paid prior to the show to be eligible to show.
13. All market lambs and junior breeding sheep must be in the possession and ownership of the exhibiting 4-H or FFA member and be on feed by the June weigh-in, year of the show. If an animal is not housed on property owned or rented by immediate family, then the exhibitor must notify the Livestock Committee in writing and receive committee approval. If the animal is moved at anytime during the fair project, the Livestock Committee must be notified immediately.
14. All market lambs to be sold by 4-H or FFA members will be graded on Fair Monday.
15. All lambs will be weighed on Fair Sunday, at 1:00 P.M. All lambs must weigh a minimum of 95 pounds. If they don't weigh 95 pounds they must live grade blue to be eligible for the youth livestock show and sale. The maximum weight limit is 150 lbs. Any lamb exhibiting yearling teeth will not be eligible to show or sell in the market lamb class.
16. To recognize lamb buyers, $6.00 will be retained from the proceeds of each lamb sold to purchase a newspaper advertisement and recognition banner.
17. The fitting and show preparation area is confined to the wash rack, the sheep barn and other designated areas surrounding the sheep barn.
18. Each exhibitor may weigh up to 5 lambs at the official project weigh-in, show 3 lambs, and sell only 2 market lambs. Exhibitors must designate at June weigh-in if lamb is to be in the market lamb class or the bred and owned market lamb class. Any lamb not designated at weigh-in will be placed in regular market division.
19. All market lambs must be castrated by the initial project weigh-in. Any evidence of testicular tissue will be evaluated and up to the discretion of the sheep committee.
20. All market lambs must be slick shorn within a week of the fair. All breeding sheep exhibits must have no more than one-half inch of wool, except for wool breeds, which must meet their wool breed association standards.
21. Registration papers are required for all purebred classes in the breeding show and they must be turned in with entry papers by the July 31 deadline to the Sheep Chairman. Appendix and unregistered animals will be shown in the commercial classes.
22. The Sheep Committee and Junior Exhibitors will meet Sunday, August 20 at 9:00 a.m. to take down the sheep pens. Before exhibitors in barn area leave the grounds at the conclusion of the Fair, they must clean their pens.
23. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Market Lamb Show and the Bred and Owned Show must participate in the carcass and ultrasound program if available. Any exemption will have to be approved by the Committee.
24. Market Lambs and Breed and Owned Market Lambs will be shown by weight only. (There will not be separate classes for black face, brockles and white face/Dorset lambs.)
Bred and Owned Market Lamb Division
25. Bred and owned market lamb exhibitors must own and care for the dam during gestation of the bred and owned market lamb prior to breeding.
26. Youth exhibitors cannot show the same lamb in the bred and owned market lamb class and the general market lamb classes. Youth must designate at June weigh-in which lamb(s) are to be in the market lamb class and which lamb(s) are to be in the bred and owned market lamb class. Bred and owned market lamb exhibitors must take and complete the ewe flock project or be properly recorded in the official SAE record book.
Tuesday, August 15, 2:00 P.M.
Show Barn
1. Registration papers are required for all purebred classes in the breeding show and they must be turned in with entry papers by the July 29 deadline to the Sheep Chairman. Appendix and unregistered animals will be shown in the commercial classes.
2. A Group will consist of any four animals of the same breed that have been shown in a previous class of the show, either purebred or commercial. An exhibitor is limited to one entry per breed.
3. The Youth Open Showmanship class is open to any youth that will not reach their 9th birthday by September 30 of the year of the show.
4. A dam and a lamb entry will consist of a dam and her lamb of the same breed that have been shown in a previous class of the show, either purebred or commercial.
- Competition is open to any market hog, barrow or gilt of any breed or crossbreed born after January 1st of the current year.
- All swine entered must be free of disease. The swine committee reserves the right to reject any entries they feel unfit for the health of the show. A health certificate dated within the last 30 days for each entry must be presented to one of the Swine Committee Chairmen before the swine is placed in a pen.
- The Junior Swine Show is open to Clarke County 4-H and FFA previous swine project members who are enrolled by January 1 of the year of the show. All new swine project members must be enrolled in the Clarke County 4-H or FFA program and declare a project by March 1 of the year of the show.
- All swine entries must be nominated, weighed-in and tagged at the official project weigh-in held the first Saturday in June, year of the show. Any animal weighing over 150 pounds at initial weigh in will not be allowed to show at the 2017 fair. The Swine committee recommends a weight of at least 80 pounds at the initial weigh in for all entries.
- At Sunday weigh in, all swine entries are to be clean with ear tags free of debris and CLEARLY visible.
- All market hogs must be weighed on Sunday at approximately 2:00 P.M., and classes will be determined by weight. All hogs must weigh between 220 and 290 pounds to be eligible to show and sell in the Junior Livestock Sale. All first place market hogs will be eligible to compete in the Grand Champion market drive, and the second place market hog in the class from which the champion came from is eligible to compete for the Reserve Champion market hog as well as the remaining first place market hogs.
- All hogs not weighing at least 220 pounds or weighing over 290 pounds at fair weigh-in will not be eligible to sell at the fair. Exhibitors can use these pigs in the showmanship competition, and they will be shown in overweight and underweight classes after the end of the regular market show. (Note: Over and underweight animals will not be eligible for championship class and will be shown after the champion has been selected).
- All market hogs will be graded at the time of weigh-in on Fair Sunday. This will be done by ultra-sound equipment.
- All hogs must be kept in their pens between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. except the night of the show.
- While in the show and sale ring, hogs may only be guided by canes or tubes. No whips or crops allowed at any time.
- The number of hogs sold by one (1) exhibitor is limited to two (2). All hogs must be cleaned thoroughly before entering the sale ring. .40 of 1% of the sale price of hogs will be withheld for pork referendum.
- To recognize hog buyers, $5.00 will be retained from the proceeds of each hog sold to purchase a newspaper advertisement.
- Pigs with body hair length less than one-half inch are not eligible for the show.
- The swine barn will be closed during the swine weigh-in and after 4:00 p.m. the day of the show and during the show. Only committee members or designated volunteers are permitted.
- The Swine Committee reserves the right to amend and interpret these rules and regulations as they see fit.
- All waterers must be left on from the time of initial weigh in until the animal is removed from the fairgrounds.
- Gilt entries MUST be designated by January 1 for past 4-H members and by March 1 for new 4-H members. Youth must complete the breeding section of their project book to be eligible to show a gilt the following year.
- Animals entered in the gilt class (now the Breeding Gilt Class) are not eligible for the premium sale. An exhibitor may only bring a total of 3 swine to the fair, and if they are to bring 3, one must be a breeding gilt. To be eligible to enter a breeding gilt, 4-H and FFA members must be keeping the appropriate project/record book.